Thursday, December 2, 2010
"Happy Holidays & 2011 New Year"
“Best Wishes for the Holiday Season & the 2011 New Year!”
Blake Publishing would like to wish all our many Website
& Blog Visitors of all “Faith’s” and the 15K+ folks
who downloaded many of our Free PDF digital non-fiction
Ebooks worldwide over this past year from our Websites
and Blogs a “Very Safe Holiday Season and a Prosperous
& Healthy 2011 New Year...”
Consider how you would like to be
remembered when your Journey ends…
“ To Share & to be Kind as
Your Life is your only
Act One & there is no "Take Two"...
This is my personal special wish for “2011”
“May the Actions & Words we Share in all aspects
of our lives Inspire Others to wish for the same Calm
Spirit, Good Health and Safe Journey as all the
Souls of the world connect hopefully In a
positive and inspirational experience that will
alllow future generations to be proud of our
endeavours in relation to our human race,
our children & familes, our planet & environment,
our precious Wildlife and for our Mother Earth as a whole.”
William E. Blake
Internet Entrepreneur
Thank you kindly for your time and please take
a moment to visit a few of our Websites we are Proudest
of as they offer everyone the gift of “Information”
with Instant Gratification via Download to Your
Computer desktop…and helps save the trees with
no Printing, & save time & money with
no Shipping or S/H fees:
1) First = a Fun Christmas Website with tons of joy
for the whole family + xmas Tales for the kids
and decorating, gifts & recipes Tips galore!
2) Our Passion = Saving our Planet & Wildlife
with up to date Tips on "Living Green", saving
energy, many free articles on going green plus
resources for solar power, hybrid cars, foods
and so much more! > This is my personal pet
Website project for awhile now and I know
you will find it inspiring and helpful as well.
3) And of course our most popular Website for a
variety of quality Free Ebooks for all ages
and interests (=many pages of content!)
{not just those little useless freebies}
And this is the webpage where we List All of
our Websites for you to browse
{each link opens in a new window!}
so no back and forth with your browser...
And these Websites also offer their own
gift ebook downloads as well!
Blake Publishing Websites List
Our Parent Website is:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Free Weekly Articles for you!
Hi Internet Marketing Entrepreneur!
I just wanted to let you know that Mark Austin is giving away free Lifetime Memberships to Resell Rights Weekly! This is an exciting awesome way to build a library of PLR Articles on many Topics for your Blogs and Websites…
You get PLR to special reports, ebooks, audios,
videos, software, templates, articles, and much more.
Resell Rights Weekly gives you:
» Instant access to over 212 hot selling PLR/RR
digital products worth hundreds of dollars!
» Two hot new products each and every week
with either Private Label Rights or Resale Rights!
» Instant access to over 10,740+ Private Label Rights articles!
» Instant access to 330+ free tools that will help
your web business be more profitable!
» Instant access to the Resell Rights Weekly Members Forum!
Best of all, you keep 100% of the money when you
sell these products, and you can sell them over and over again!
There is no-cost to sign up ... but don't wait long
because due to increasing hosting bandwidth costs,
the free membership in RRW will not be available
much longer! So go sign up today!
Thanks for your Time! you will not be let down…
This above website offers you our FREE
Internet Marketing PDF Ebook for Novices.
I am proud to say this ebook is loaded with great
Internet / Website Information!
William Blake
Saturday, February 27, 2010
What is Internet Marketing?
"Your Adventure into Online Marketing"
Also known as "Ecommerce", Your Professional Image on the
Internet is very key in todays marketing strategies.
Internet Marketing is simply the methods used to advertise
your Products or Services Online via different Marketing
strategies such as:
> A Website -
> A BLOG -
> An Article Submisssion -
> If your budget allows, process Google Adwords Ads
to drive traffice to your website -
> A Press Release (such as via PR WEB) -
> Publish & offer a Free digital Ebook about your
business / products for Download -
Your reach a Worldwide audience (even at no cost) -
You expand the Business Name and it allows you to
offer special deals Online in addition to your
Printed sales materials -
You have the opportunity to build a customer / subscriber
list of email addresses to send marketing emails and
specials via email ve expense of printed marketing -
Visit this Website below for a ton of resources and a
brilliant Gift PDF Ebook Download for all Internet
newbies to enjoy and learn the tips & tricks to success:
And you will learn
How To Be an Internet Marketing
Entrepreneur quick & easy...

Compliments of:
Thanks for Your Time & To Your Online Success!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
PHP: In-Demand Programming Skill
PHP: Powerful, Hot, and Painless Programming
March 2009
There's no questioning the popularity of PHP technologies on the Web. After all, PHP, aka "Personal Home Page" (yeah, we didn't know that, either), is sitting pretty at the number 2 spot on the Elance Online Work Index Top 100 list. But what exactly makes it one of the most sought after programming skills by businesses today? This month, we've brought in Jeffrey McManus, CEO of Platform Associates, to give us some insight.
In the past few years, PHP has emerged as one of the A-list programming languages, taking its place alongside Java and the .NET Framework as one of the most popular languages for developing web sites. In fact, PHP is currently used to create some of the highest volume web sites in the world, including Yahoo!, Facebook, and many others.
A big reason for PHP's popularity is its ease of use, unique suitability to the web development use case, and good performance. Because PHP's core libraries are written in C++, PHP developers can enjoy the productivity associated with a scripting language while taking advantage of the performance benefits of a compiled language.
Another big factor in PHP's popularity is its ubiquity. It's available on every major web server and on every modern server operating system. As an open-source technology, PHP has been historically associated with open-source platforms (specifically the Linux operating system and the Apache web server), although PHP runs well on Windows as well. Microsoft even provides a Web Application Installer product that makes it easy to install PHP on Windows. You can also use this tool to install popular software written in PHP, such as the blogging software WordPress or Blogger and the content publishing system Drupal. Both of these packages are also free and open-source, which means that if you're courageous, you can view and even modify the source code to fit your requirements.
Learn more @
That said, setting up PHP on a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu is even more straightforward than on Windows. When we do a PHP programming project for a client, we can typically set up and configure a development web server running PHP in 10 minutes or so. This translates into a huge productivity benefit since we can easily start coding right away without having to fiddle with installer disks, license keys, and multiple reboots. (For us, the extra few dollars you'd spend on a Windows server license doesn't even factor into it. This is more about conserving that more valuable and costly resource — our developers' time.)
PHP also provides a number of productivity features for web developers that make it ideal for web development. For example, it's easy to embed PHP code into an HTML document to easily add dynamic features to a web page.
And many features that web developers need every day, such as encryption, graphics manipulation, file handling, and database access, are available out of the box.
Another reason for PHP's popularity is community support and information. There is a wealth of articles and blog posts online covering PHP programming; it's not difficult to get an answer to a PHP programming question with a simple web search. Because of the strong community support for PHP development, it's not difficult to find developers who are proficient in the language. This is particularly true internationally, where we first began to see a sharp uptick in PHP usage five years ago.
Because of its utility, ubiquity and low cost, we utilize PHP exclusively for new programming projects at Platform Associates. For simple content sites, we've used Drupal for sites like the LogLogic developer portal we developed last summer; we also use Drupal for our corporate site. For certain types of content-driven web sites, we see a significant reduction in cost through the use of free frameworks such as Drupal and Wordpress.
It's clear that PHP has reached a tipping point in terms of popularity among developers and will continue to remain popular for the foreseeable future. In late 2008, the French developer portal did a survey of public web servers and found that about a third of all servers on the web were running PHP. A 2007 Netcraft site survey indicated that PHP was running on more than 20 million unique domains on the public internet (with many more likely running on intranets behind the firewall). More recently, the March 2009 TIOBE Software Community Index (a survey of programming language popularity based on search engine statistics) recently ranked PHP fourth among all programming languages.
Sure, we could go on and on about the benefits of PHP or how prevalent it is in the world today, but the one main takeaway is this: PHP is one of the most popular programming languages on the web today, and it doesn't look like that will be changing anytime in the near future.
Learn Simple PHP fast & easy to add this in demand programming skill to your portfolio of Internet & WEB Skills…
Visit & Review this PDF Ebook for Download @
To Your Internet & Freelance Success!
Bill Blake
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"Happy 2009 New Year to All!"
Wishes Everyone ALL over this Planet a
New Year Filled with HOPE, Good Health,
Peace among Men, and much Prosperity...
May we all Enjoy Good health, a Calm Spirit
and a Safe Journey in this New Year.
William Blake
Monday, June 23, 2008
Real Work At Home Jobs
Finding a Work @ Home Job & the Internet & Your Skills:
There are many companies that hire employees to work from their homes. Since numerous real work at home job opportunities are available on the internet, you can search and select the most suitable job for you. However, sorting out the real work at home jobs from the numerous job listing can be a time consuming process. But it is better to spend more time and effort to get a legitimate home based job, then being on the rough end of a scam.
By selecting a real work at home job you can enjoy the flexibility of working conveniently at home and at convenient times for you. You can work as a freelancer or you can join as an employee of a company.
Real work at home jobs include customer service, recruiting, sales, technical, telecommuting or writing. You can start working as a home based agent where you are an employee of a company and provide the required customer service. Another type of real work at home job involves providing administrative and clerical support in the form of a virtual assistant. You can also provide technical or creative services to clients.
If you have knowledge in advanced math or science or in some language, then you can select online tutor jobs. You can also join internet based companies that offer assistance to students in various subjects.
If you have good command over English then you can select the job of writing articles on every imaginable topic. If you submit the content for payment, then you can get the payment after the article hass been accepted. In turn if you submit to the Associated Content site without payment and submit it as free, you can get $1.50 for every 1000 views to your content.
Real work at home jobs allow you earn smart income without compromising your time. You can schedule your work according to your convenience. Part time, full time are available for some home based jobs. You should not be required to spend any initial charges or fees to get a job.
All you need is a computer with internet connection. You would be required to have some basic computer experience.
There are certain home based jobs that require full time work on a proper schedule but provide health insurance, pension, vacation and other benefits as in the case of real job. But you have to takes lot of effort to find such jobs.
If you have sufficient experience and qualification in any job, then you can get such jobs easily and enjoy the fun of working at home and at the same time you can enjoy the benefits of a traditional employee.
To Your Success @ being Your Own Boss!
Bill @
Blake Publishing
Thursday, May 1, 2008
PLR: Help Your Online Business Grow
What Exactly Is PLR? (Private Label Rights)
You would have seen a huge revolution in product creation since PLR burst onto the scene and became especially huge during the past few years. But what exactly is PLR?
You no doubt you've heard that phrase touted about the internet before and without boring you with a long explanation, PLR is simply Private Label Rights.
Private Label Rights is basically a piece of original work, i.e. a digital product such as a report, e-book, a transcript, an MP3 recording, video, article, etc created by an author who has given full consent for others to use his/her work for themselves.
Whoever buys or receives this PLR piece of work can then alter or re-edit the information and place their name as the creator of the product without actually writing it from scratch themselves.
If you would like some keyword rich articles written for you -
Just Contact Us!
Why would the creator of the PLR consent to give away full rights to their piece of work? They can usually sell their work on the front end and if it’s quality will keep people coming back for more. There is no shortage of people willing to pay for quality PLR as it’s a convenient way to get products out there faster without having to do all the research and leg work of creating the product from start to finish themselves.
Find More Info Here:
Not All PLR Is Created Equally:
Before purchasing PLR, check the rights you are buying, make sure your operate within the rights terms of conditions
Some may be plain PLR which means you have to respect and adhere to the wishes of the author, there are still terms and conditions attached to their body of work that must be abided by and you will usually find this tucked away within a “Rights” word document, there you will find the stipulations on what you can and cannot do with the content. In certain instances you may not be able to give it away for free or sell them on auction sites. Some PLR state that you may not be able to sell below a certain price so as to hold the products value.
With Unrestricted PLR on the other hand, you have the keys to the bank vault. These usually come with no terms or conditions which means you can do pretty much anything you want. You can sell it for whatever price you wish, on auction sites and in the exact same form as which you purchased it in, you also have the right to sell the source code, which is the raw document format the PLR came in so that others can alter and sell the product on as their own unique content.
If you want to sky rocket your earnings, it pays to alter the content and to be different. Give people a reason to buy from you rather than from the hoard others selling the same thing at a $1 per piece.
So as you can see, there is no way to put you in the product creation driving seat quicker than with PLR.
To Your Online Ecommerce Success!
Blake PDF Ebook Publishing